Unlimited usage, Fixed cost,Offline Identity Verification & Fraud Prevention Platform

Identity Verification Process

Onboard Everyone but Not Anyone..!

Fraud Prevention System

Protect Everyone but Prevent Anyone..!

Explore the capabilities of Identity Verification.

Other USP Feature.

Spam Protection

Algorithms designed to identify patterns that suggest spam content.

Offline KYC

Authenticating customer identities using tangible documentation.


Get acquainted with services to ensure seamless incorporation or assimilation.

KYC Verification

Confirming customers' identities via live video interactions conducted remotely.

Visual Profilling

Technologies employed to verify identities and control access.

Risk Management

Mitigating potential threats to avoide financial fraud & risk.

Use Cases


Verifying the identities of petiant and medical staf for medical tretment and updates, preventing fraud through multi-factor authentication, and managing access to personal medical data and systems.


Managing citizen identities for public services, securing government databases, and controlling access to classified information.


Managing student and faculty identities for access to academic resources, securing educational databases, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.


Implementing customer identity and access management for online shopping platforms, preventing account takeover fraud, and personalizing user experiences.


Controlling access to sensitive production systems and intellectual property, managing employee identities, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.


Managing subscriber identities for access to network services, preventing unauthorized access to telecommunications infrastructure, and securing customer data.


Managing passenger identities for ticketing and boarding processes, securing transportation networks, and controlling access to critical infrastructure.


Managing employee identities for access to energy production facilities, securing energy distribution networks, and preventing cyber threats.


Implementing identity and access management solutions for software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms, securing user accounts, and protecting intellectual property.

What makes
X-Biz Techventures one of India's favourite places to buy Identity Verification & Fraud Prevention Platform?

Trust is hard to earn. We certainly do not earn them through paid advertising. Instead, we earn your trust by providing a high-quality product and reliable service that you can count on. Every single day.

Real Time Verification

Immediately verify customer at the point of document capture in your App or your Web portal.

Fraud Detection & Prevention

Detect Realtime Fraud, during Onboarding or Transactional data, provides protected and risk free environment for businesses .

Multiple Verification Params

We support a wide range of verification tools, such as Spam protection, Tamper Proof Onboarding, Liveness verification, Sign-Face Matching, Auto Underwriting, Multiple KYC Automation Services.

Regulatory Compliant

Our KYC 3.0 Suite and FCPS System is one of the leading solution for BFSI. x-Biz solutions are fully compliant with Indian regulations and satisfies all major regulatory bodies.

The count of platforms for Verifying online identities and preventing fraud.

200 Millions

Online Identity Verification

27 Lakhs

Financial Fraud Prevention

370 Million

Online Onboarding

2.7 Billion

Financial Protection